What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the term that describes the function of protecting adults and children from abuse or neglect and also includes measures to prevent vulnerable people from coming to harm in the first place. As a church seeking to reflect the character and commands of Jesus, we want to do this to the best of our ability and operate in an exemplary manner within our communities.
We are fully committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of our members and those entrusted to our care. Members of the church, paid staff and volunteers will at all times conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Christian church. They will show respect for and understanding of human rights, promoting an ethos of listening and ensuring the safety of all, especially children and vulnerable adults.
The church will care for children and young people, and vulnerable adults and safeguard them by following good practices in relation to the following:
Responding appropriately to concerns and allegations
Safer Recruitment of workers and volunteers
Promoting good working practices
Training and supporting our workers in their role and in the protection of children and vulnerable people
We work closely with the Interdenominational Safeguarding Panel on all safeguarding matters.